Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Using SQL, on a database with user logins, report the top 10 users that have logged in the most number of times in a given duration along with a count of the items created by them in that duration.

Question :
Using SQL, on a database with user logins, report the top 10 users that have logged in the most number of times in a given duration along with a count of the items created by them in that duration.
Using SupportDB, report the top 10 agents that have logged in the last 'n' days and the number of ServiceRequests created by each of those agents.
The output should look like:
Agent Name| Last Logged Date| Log Count | SRs Created
agent name | 4/20/2013T12:0.. | 23               | 109


select UL.FullName, UL.LastLogin, temp.CountOfSRs from UserList UL
join (select top 10 SR.AuditCreatedByPuid,COUNT( AS CountOfSRs FROM dbo.ServiceRequest SR (nolock)
where SR.AuditCreatedByPuid in (
select UL.AuditCreatedByPuid from dbo.Userlist UL
where LastLogin >= dateadd(day,- 7,GetUTCDate())
group by SR.AuditCreatedByPuid
order by CountOfSRs desc) temp on UL.PUID = temp.AuditCreatedByPuid

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Write a SQL script to convert XML data (in SQL XML data type) to a table.(SQL)


Write a SQL script to convert XML data (in SQL XML data type) to a table. Each attribute of an element in the XML should be converted to a column in the resulting table.
if the XML looks like:

then the script should produce the result as:



attr1 | attr2 |


| |

value1 | value 2 |


Using query() and value() methods:

DECLARE @table_temp TABLE (yourXML XML)

SET @xmlDoc =
FROM dbo.XTable WHERE ID=1
INSERT INTO @table_temp
SELECT @xmlDoc

r.c.value('(//@PersonID)[1]', 'varchar (50)') AS PersonID,
r.c.value('(//@LastName)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS LastName,
r.c.value('(//@PersonID)[2]', 'varchar (50)') AS PersonID,
r.c.value('(//@LastName)[2]', 'varchar(50)') AS LastName
FROM @table_temp t
CROSS APPLY t.yourXML.nodes('row') as r(c)

Using OpenXML Transact-SQL build in function

DECLARE @idoc int, @doc XML;
SET @doc =(
--You can also load a XML here from the table XML field

--Create an internal representation of the XML document.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc;
-- SELECT stmt using OPENXML rowset provider
--flag=1 is attribute centric, 2 is element centric. More info at this link :
FROM OPENXML (@idoc,'/row/XCol/people/person',1)
WITH (PersonID int,
LastName varchar(10)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Write a C# method to implement a change dispenser.

Question :

Write a C# method to implement a change dispenser. The change dispenser takes in a number of higher denomination and returns the smallest number of lower denominations to dispense. The method should return the denominations and the counts of those denominations.

Example: if the dispenser has $1 and $5 denominations only and the method is called with $19, then it should return 3 * $5 and 4 * $1 instead of 19 * $1 denominations as it means fewer notes. So it should return both the above denominations and their counts to the caller.

For the implementation, assume you have $1, $2, $5 and $10 denominations only, and find the least number of denominations to break a given higher denomination. Assume only whole number denominations. No need to specify '$' in the method as it is used only for representation.

namespace Excercises
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Please enter the money you need the change for :");
string value = Console.ReadLine();

int TotalMoney = Int32.Parse(value);
if (TotalMoney <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number entered. Please try again"); } if (TotalMoney > 0)


public static void ChangeDispenser(int n)
//avaialble denominations $10, $5, $2, $1
int numOfTens = 0;
int numOfFives = 0;
int numOfTwos = 0;
int numOfOnes = 0;

if (n >= 10)
numOfTens = n / 10;
n= n%10;
if (n >= 5)
numOfFives = n / 5;
n = n % 5;
if (n >= 2)
numOfTwos = n / 2;
n = n % 2;
numOfOnes = n;

Console.WriteLine("Number of 10s: {0}, Number of 5s : {1}, Number of 2s : {2}, Numer of 1s : {3}", numOfTens, numOfFives, numOfTwos, numOfOnes);


Monday, April 8, 2013

C# Program simulating a slot machine

Question :

Write a C# program to simulate a slot machine draw. Each draw consists of 4 characters (2 alternating letters 2 numbers, like a1b2, c3x4, f5e3 etc.)

Have a method (say, 'ChaChing') which returns a random 4 characters in the above format. However, if a draw has occurred in the last 10 tries, then return a different draw.

In order for a jackpot, the draw will need to have both letters and numbers to be the same, i.e. a1a1, b4b4, h9h9 etc. Ensure that there is at least one jackpot in every 30 draws.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
namespace examples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Queue myQueue = new Queue();
 Random r = new Random();
int JackpotNumber = r.Next(30);
 for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
     if (i == JackpotNumber)
         string queueString = pattern(true);
         string NonJP = pattern(false);
         if (myQueue.Contains(NonJP))
             string NonJP2 = pattern(false);
             Console.WriteLine(NonJP2); }
 } Console.ReadKey();
            if (myQueue.Count > 30)
        public static string pattern(bool IsJackpot)
            Random random = new Random();
            int i = random.Next(9);
            int j = random.Next(9);
            string[] strArr = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" };
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            if (IsJackpot)
                int index = random.Next(25);
                return str.ToString();
                int index = random.Next(25);
                int index1 = random.Next(25);
                if (index == index1 && i == j)
                    str.Append(strArr[index + 1]);
                    str.Append(i + 1);
                return str.ToString();


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Write a C# function to find the number of occurrences of a given word in a file.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
namespace examples
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string find = "tax";
Dictionary myDic = new Dictionary();
StreamReader InputStream = new StreamReader(@"FilePath");
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
string[] strArr = build.ToString().Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Length; i++)
if (strArr[i].ToLower() == find.ToLower())
if (myDic.ContainsKey(find.ToLower()))
myDic.Add(find.ToLower(), 1);
foreach (var v in myDic)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' occurs {1} times in the input file", find, v.Value);