Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cricket Match score keeping (C#)


Given a list of 30 whole numbers, each number representing the runs scored by a player in cricket per ball, write a C# program to find the following:
  1. Run rate, which is the runs per over. 6 balls make an over.
  2. Assuming that every 2 overs was played be a new batsman, calculate the batting average for each batsman. Batting average is the number of runs scored per ball played by that batsman.


//Calculate the run rate
public static double ranRateCalculator(List runs)
int totalRuns = 0;
foreach (int i in runs)
totalRuns += i;

//Total overs are the number of times the runs are entered in the list divided by 6 since 6 balls make an over.
int totalOvers = runs.Count / 6;

//runRate is the total runs per over
double ranRate = (double)totalRuns / totalOvers;
return runRate;

//Calculate the batting average for each batsman
 public static List ranRateCalculator(List runs)
//Total overs are the number of times the runs are entered in the list divided by 6 since 6 balls make an over.
int totalOvers = (runs.Count)/6;
//total number of batsman are the total number of overs divided by 2 since the batsman change every 2 overs. If the total over is not exactly divisible by 2, then the number of batsman increase by one to play the remaining overs.
 int batsmanNum = totalOvers / 2;
 if (totalOvers%2 != 0)
 batsmanNum = batsmanNum + 1;
//Store the average scores per batsman in a list
 List avgPerBatsman = new List();
 for (int I-0; i < batsmanNum; i++)
// find the runs scored by the first batsman, the second etc.
 var totalRunsPerBatsman = runs.Skip(i*12).Take(12);
 int total =0;
 foreach (var n in totalRunsPerBatsman)
total += n;
double avg = (double) total / 12;


return avgPerBatsman;

//Calling the functions
public void Main()
List runs = new List{3,2,0,4,6,2,1,0,6,5,4,3,2,1,4,5,3,2,1,0,0,5,6,3,4,3,2,0,4,6};
// Finding the total run rate
 double runRate = runRateCalculator(runs);
 Console.Write("the run rate is {0}", runRate);
//Finding the run rate for each batsman
 List avg = batsmanAvg(runs);
 foreach (var v in avg)
 Console.WriteLine("The batsman average score are : {0}", v);

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